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Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 12:48 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 8) Amsy to GOD: I feel so dead now. Even the deads are having more fun than i am. I think. What a life to live, doing nothing while there are so many "ants" in mind. It's like a torture before death for me now. Don't you pity me? I mean i know i'm going to be tortured again when i'm dead. Well i just might end up in heaven. I surely do want to be there. If possible now please? *Ginormous sigh*. But yeah i know i'm a kid full of sin. At least let me have a visit and let me have the taste of heaven for a second or something?. Just a tiny peep of what it looks like through the key hole from the doors of heaven maybe?. I'm sorry for all the bad things i've done. Maybe you're just testing me for what my life is right now. Yeah yeah i get it. And like what they say, "the things that are happening to you are meant to be that way". It's so unpredictable, which is why life can't be perfect. And so there's no such thing as happily ever after. My oh my what am i babbling about. Maybe it's just the heat, or maybe the situation i am right now. I really don't know. I just got nothing to do now. So i just decided to chat online with you. Yeah bloghoppers might think i'm crazy. They might thing i'm one sick lonely bastard with no friends. Well it's not that, i just don't want to bother them that's all. They got things to do. So let them do whatever they're doing. Studying maybe, watching tv or maybe they have their dirty little secrets which they do daily or maybe weekly nyehehe. *winks and guns both hands*. From what i notice, kids are growing smarter every year. Its like mutation or something.I wonder whats earth is goin to be in ..... i don't know let's say 500 years from now? Kids at young age already knows all kinds of vulgar and stuff. They even know all these adultery thingy or what so ever. haha. I think you get what i mean. You up to some project? *raise eyebrow up and down vigorously*. Homos now are even trying to built buildings that can rotate horizontally. How cool and weird is that. I mean duh i know people now are thinking of revolutionizing (if there is such word) the world. Getting into the future i must say or in other words for it. Soon you're going to see buildings doing backflips or maybe break dancing -___-". Amsy to all: Actually i don't know why am i talking all this crap. Attracting readers? I am an online attention seeker? Haha maybe i could start an online comedy or something yeah shiet now thats crappy shits. Once you get bored, there's no one else but god. Hmm it just starts to sink in deep in my thoughts. The phrase is universal. Except for those free thinkers, go talk to... mmm...whatver that makes you happy k? No offence, it's just a joke. I mean i tried talking to my cat you see, he won't talk back. So it just added more boredom to it heh. Actually blogging do help me to feel up my free time. Splatting nonsense on the web and posting it on my blog for sexy peeps to read. Some may think i'm pathetic, others may think i'm just being who am i and they respect it. Or maybe there are many who likes this geeky jerk hee hee *blushing for no reason*. Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 12:03 AM
Ants in my brain. Staying up late everynight until near sunrise with undesired thoughts. Well most of them are. Eating the cells from the inner to the outer layer of the brain. Like ants carving through my brain, making themselves paths for them to walk on and through here and there. Building an empire and the queen lays at the core of my brain. Teasing me. Creating a mindstorm in my head. Each ant is like a thought in mind, crawling and wondering everywhere. If i were to put in a hamster wheel in my head, i bet they would treat it like a ferris wheel. nyeeheehe. Eggs are like a potential newborn of another thought or a problem. They won't die if spray insecticide, probably i would haha. So the only way to stop them, is to stop me. Yeah me, somehow i just wish the dutchman could just pull me down to the depths of the ocean and to that dark abyss. Drowning the ants and me along with it... Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 11:39 AM
Redbull gives you wings, Shark gives you...fins? Aaaah... i see eager faces. Can't wait to read my post aye? nyeheh. I went out today for a jam session at abbey road with CJ, pfft haha just kidding we went to L Cube studios located at tanjong pagar. If only i had a car. I can like drive myself anywhere anytime. *ONE BIG SIGH*... Well i met Ad and Fifi at tampines mrt station, they were drinking shark pee in a can heh. I tasted it, it's almost the same as redbull. A single sip can give you the energy just enough to go to war at afghanistan. Oh my the power you can imagine, it's like injecting steroids in your brains. I was suddenly all alert.Imagine if i were to drink the whole can full. WOoooW *imagine*..... For no reason the shark drink made Ad feel like buying redbull.. I wonder what's going on in his mind. Yes yes yesssss. We drank bull pee this time, it was again throat satisfaction, taste buds rodeo and it really does gives you wings. I only drank abit so i got butterfly wings instead nyahaha!! -___-". With the energy we had, we unleashed a massive destruction of noise or should i say great tunes of the sounds. Hehe. Dan came alittle late... Ok wait he was really really late ok haha. suppose to start at 4 but he came an hour later. Again yeeeees.. But in the end we had a great time playing..... what are you people thinking?! It's Music shiets! hehehe *Raise eyebrow constantly*. Oh yeah meet Dan our newest member "the late comer". His name is Danial. We call him Dan for short. Abang Dan! nyahaha jk. He's a cool dude and he's looks cute when he's lost in mind haha. Now here is our Mr. "I'm sexy when im sweaty" haha. A fcuking lame ass guy with random attitude. He can be very serious at times. PMS And this is 'Aku malas' guy. Hehe. The front man of CJ. Pete Doherty's reincarnation. hah Yes, me. haha nothing to say about me. If you know me then you'll know me. You don't then nyahah not my problem. bluek. Ele le le act cute only. What can i say, i'm just simply cute HAHAHAR!. -___-". See that bus stop? Got on a bus there and went to my place after that. We just slacked at my place, eat, watch LOTR, fart?, play.....WHAT? play with my cat ok! hahaha but Dan had to go to his friend's chalet or BBQ pit i'm not sure. Above all that, i just want to give a special thank to shark and red bull for the energy for us to enjoy the day without feeling tired. YES! wtf hah. Friday, June 20, 2008 @ 11:59 PM
!@#$%?. I don't know what i did now, i just said i wanted to play my x-box in the living room and my mum nags at this "criminal" (me) for NOTHING!. I mean OK OK OK I GET IT it's a new tv but still SO?!?!?! As if the fcukin game thingy is going to crush! eat and swallow the tv!!!!! Oh My G g g g g gaaaawd!!!!. It's not like i ALWAYS PLAY IT. AS IF I PLAY IT 24hrs non-stop and hoping and wants the tv to blow up.I just want to... ergh fcking die and leave this forsaken world! I got nothing to lose anyway.. Yeah infact that's right, i got nothing to lose, whatever i do i'm still in the wrong. WHATEVER I DO! And when i want to make a situation better i just get nothing. I'm still being looked away like as if i'm going to repeat the same mistake over and over! I'm like a criminal at home, mysterious son when i get back from somewhere as if i just did drugs and what more?! I'm tired, i'm sad, disappointed! i'm like a lonely loser. I'm a fcuked up someone with a fcuked up life now! I even loss someone i cared and valued soo much for i don't know what?!!.. Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 3:13 AM
Midnight Slackers. (Woot)x10 I just got home from my neighbour's place. -___-" ya i know what fun there is right haha shut up and just listen bitch. We watched lots of videos on youtube. Ehem, what videos are you peeps thinking about? Of course la pornography duh?! haha no la. we watched some faaaarking funny thailand tv ad and some other countries tv ad, Some are a little dirty though but there were no showings of, you know what... nyahaha err ok pfft. Well ya obviously me telling you guys, you dont feel the fun which i experienced heh. So come down to Tampines Mall to sign the application form to join the "Midnight Slackers" yeah yeah bullshiet. Other than that we shared silly stories of the past, telling ghost stories. Old times...old times. Guess what?! My eyelids weigh 10 pounds now. Wuu~ brain is on sleep mode but fingers are on maximum hyper mode typing craps on my post. Well, just let them do the job for my brains. __________________________________________________ Let me give you this random brain swelling question. Anwer on my tag board. Question: How many fingers do i have on one hand ? Winners will get to go out for a date with me on a 3 weeks cruise vacation to what the fcuk island and enjoy bashing me up for my randomness to this post. Can? ok good, it's good nyahaha. Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 10:08 AM
THE RUNNERS. 2 young HOTTIES *echo after echo af....*, went down to the reservoir in the afternoon of June 18 '2008. Running so gracefully yet looks aggresive on the bloody rocky road. Captured on the scene running in slow-mo like bay watch. Randomly planned for that day, with the chilling wind yet blazing hot sun torched on to their soft and young skin. Perspiring, feeling and looking good at the same time. Sweaty and sexy i should say. The runners went on and on feeling neither tired nor weaken by the obstacle. With their GODLY, MIGHTY and LEGENDARY legs, nothing could stop the runners. They're INVINCIBLE *echo*, they're UNSTOPPABLE *echo*, they help their mum*flat* -___-" , they ARE! Amsyar and Saufi..... *sounds of cricket* Hahaha shiet, well i had a good-nice-long jog today and i feel really really great after the run. Legs are feeling light, heart rate is normal and yeah i bet i've loss a couple pounds after days of consuming junkies and letting them rot in my stomache. They say, you are what you eat, so i've been eating HOT, spicy and juicy food. I think you know what i mean *winks and guns with both hands*. nyahahaha ok crappyness to the power of 10. I drank 100+ after running, copied Saufi nyeheh. Saufi's mind says: Amsyar copy cat sey~.. Amsyar's mind says: .......... ..... .. . Well that's the "lols" for the day. Chiaozzzz Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 11:42 PM
Classic sorrow. She love me, she love me not... it kept going on and i did'nt get bored. She love me, she love me not... it has been so long being in my thoughts. She love me, she love me not... i love you, i love you alot. She love me, she love me not... throw them petals in a pot. She love me, she love me not... *silence*. I understand you have your problems, and you just dont know what's bothering you. And i dont know either. I'll just give you your space for you to be happy and calm. Now that you're far from my reach and sight, i just want you to take good care of yourself. Not to say that i dont care about you or i won't miss you. Just that i'm left with nothing to do. I'm lost in a dark cave. I can't think of more, neither what can i do. I miss being together with you and there's no better words can describe it. You're a nice girl and that is what everyone should know. You still are. It's in you. And you're still the little cute girl who's always right under my very nose. Go live your life and be happy in which way you prefer. As long as you're happy. Every moment i still remember and were cherished. I just hope you still have the badge. It's the most simplest yet meaningful object that i've made for us. I mean not literaly make it, i just spent 2 bucks and the printing is my design. So, yeah you know.....I'm not rich to buy you something valuable. So the badge is what i can give for you to remember. Saturday, June 7, 2008 @ 11:31 PM
Aaaaah~ great great GREAT. YEEEPAH!~ Had a gig performance. After such a long time for me not being on the stage, heh. Well i must say i have a massive stage fright. It's like my second worst enemy. NERVOUS!. Haha but i got over it after a few songs. Really proud of Crackerjack They made my dream come true like Uuuuuuuh lala~. haha. I'm a little tired now but wth, i'm going to continue blogging jyeah. Well why would'nt i be tired like a lazy pig, i had to wake up early in the morning for my final driving theory test. I told you before i was going to nail it...but i did'nt. haha I am really disappointed in myself but fcuk im telling you im going to be driving by next year and that's for sure damn it. I hope haha. well there's alot of time. But still i have to concentrate on my school test,exams, projects and all. I must say my life is getting greater and greater. I feel like a new.....lad? haha. Oh that's for sure. Now i am really looking forward for CJ's next gig and i'm about to get use to all this exposure. I feel good yeah. Tapestry here we come~ Back at homeclub, i get to see many bands with potential. I could'nt stop smiling to myself listen to them playing. I salute them! Man, i still have the chop stained on my hand haha. Guess i didnt had a proper shower nyahaha. But i smell GOOD! whee~. To all who attended to our gig CJ thank you all for supporting and to people who appretiate our music. Check us out on myspace. > > > www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack < < < Ok la i want to go Zzzzz... Good night gorgeous homos...love you all. xoxo from me to you peeps, if you dont want it give it back nyahahaha. |