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Thursday, July 31, 2008 @ 11:28 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 11) Sick sick SICK! i'm going to be sick argh and i'm so hating it. I've been surviving it for almost a month now. Why now?? Huhu i feel cursed. My nose is such a jerk, leaking like wtf. It's like putting an ice cube into your nose and letting it melt. There, a great description of the annoying feeling. Did'nt feel weak when i was slacking with CJ-1= Danless. Ad and Fifi came to my house like 2 farken gay dogs. Haha no offence but that was what that came through my eyes and in my mind when i saw them standing at my doorstep. With you guys, it has always been random from the start we say hi till we say goodbye. The rare breed of random homos with a mind of a psychedelic turtle with a snail's shell, and batteries not needed...nyeheh. Ok the effects of the consumed drug is active in my body. Slow-mo visions... deep voice surround sound with reverbs and echos with a little touch of delays... Ok people i know your heads are surrounded by cute little bunch of question marks, or maybe huge ones hehe i don't know. Should change my name to..... Abdul Random Bin Jacky John. -___-??? Well i went slacking with Ad and Saufi at a pirate ship playground nearby my place. It's a cool place and plus it was so windy today. Hmm maybe that's why i'm falling ill. All those bloody germs and virus went through the tiny pores on my skin wall. Damn it should have downloaded the norton anti virus. BUAHAHArrr shiets. Man i think it's better for me to go and have a rest, right after i'm done with norton anti virus. hehe ok Amsy ones is enough. Sickeningly lame when you're sick. Amsy says: Oh shut up Dinie at least i know i'm better than you! Dinie says: Whatever^with the bitchy head movement* you sick bastard, step off! @ 12:36 AM
Love It is so divine. So bitter sweet. But still there's never a specific word to describe the feeling of it. So magical. So powerful that it can bring a new life to a person. It can also bring peace to the world. And to relationship love?, bullshit to the fact of loving someone when you can't even learn to love yourself. I learn from what i see, from what i get, and from what i experienced. You can say that you love me more than a million times but from what i think, those are just a figure of speech if you're not showing it. I'm saying all this for the sickening pain in the ass looking at girls and boys being dumped by their gf's or bf's. Don't love that someone unless you know what you're doing. Yes you may argue to me about it by saying love is blind. "Love is blind", has 2 meanings to it, you love him/her regardless of looks or what so ever, or you just love that person blindly. And by that i mean you're not thinking straight and you don't even know why you love him or her but only to how they attract you with their physical features. Like those "CUTE" jerks and bitches say, "boleh buat pakai" meaning they just want to make use of him or her. For the girls, it's money but for the guys, it's...yeah you get what i mean. My sis told me a story about a bunch of wtf guys sort of trying to tackle her, and when my sis ignored, they asked for just a short time moment with one of those faggots. I mean are you guys desperate or what?? Well pathecticly desperate i must say. And to another story about a best friend of mine. A girl just spent time with him and loving him to cover up the wide space of lonely time. And after a month or 2, she made herself fade away from his life like what all bitches would do. Without thinking about what feelings meant. Heartlessly she left by making him jealous and also making small matters big like it's so obvious she wants their relationship to end so badly. Got to know that she either got back with her ex or with another guy i can't remember. Anyways you get my point. It's a precious gift that what most people abuse. The only never ending love you can get is from you parents and siblings. So yeah, love your parents, your siblings and yourself before you think about loving others. Why am i posting this entry? just to tell someone what it meant when i said it to them. Amsy in love? Yes? No? Well for now...it's myself, my family, my cats, my "that is so random" forsaken lads and strawberry milk. Not forgeting to people whom i told that i trust. Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 10:34 PM
If only... Haaargh school food is like a rotten double cheeseburger as how i suddenly notice i have been eating the same thing again and again. It's going to be 2 years of throat torture to consume the same thing everyday. And what a nice name for a stall, "Nasi Nenek". It sure puts me in the mood to buy food from that stall -___-". Like "i can live forever just eating it everyday". Dude my stomache begs me to stop. It got numb digesting the same thing everyday. If only there are some hawker style food like any of those local unhealthy hawker centre sells. Oh man i'll sleep in school for dinner and supper i tell you. End up eating non-halal western food and now i just feel numb in head. No thoughts of sin or what so ever. Just pure stoneliness on the face, and dead brain of an aging person and an empty belly. If only there are fast food restaurants in school. Bet i'll be out of cash by monday afternoon haha. If only was born rich. Then i would hire someone different each and everyday to cook in school. Maybe just for me only so i won't have to spent that much to provide for the others in school nyahaha. If only life can be like fairytale. If only magic is real. Just like harry potter. I would'nt have to spent cash for food. Just a little swoosh with my magic wand and there you go, 'TRIPLE CHEESEBURGER UPSIZED MEAL WITH FREE OLYMPIC GLASS (limited edition)'... -___-" K amsy ok i understand you because i'm you. garhaha. I'm getting tired of travelling to school. Especially by bus. The bastardly long Q with sleepy people in it. Some even cut the line with the most slumber face you can ever see. Farken sick and sleepy fellows. If only i had an air horn that i can just press it right in their sleepy headed face. Oh god it's getting warmer too, i perspired most of the time when i'm not in my air conditioned class room. Sweaty and sexy like when i jogged for almost an hour around the reservour the other time, 'THE RUNNERS'. It's a previous blog entry of mine. Check it out. Random post with a bullshit mind attitude. Ok, heart rate slowing down, eyelid gaining pounds and body is shutting down. Night and lights out. *whispering i love you to.....STRAWBERRY MILK!* hehe it's so nice aaaaaah. Thursday, July 24, 2008 @ 4:54 PM
Happy 21st Birthday Saufi~! ![]() Look at his smile...is'nt he adorable like my left cheek butt. nyehehe. Now that you just had your special day, why not give your mum a kiss or something and thank her for birthing you. Birthing? what the heck. In return you might get a kiss from..... .... ... .. . UKWIM. harharhar. Ok your face seems to be staring at me in a creepy manner while i'm typing this so called birthday wish for you, like monalisa potrait. Only that, this one is worthless. I know what you want for your birthday but hey, i just can't afford it, maybe i can like just cut away the cash you owe me as your birthday present? hahah ok now that's pathetic right. Tell you what, what i thing is i'm sweet enough to spent the time talking crap on my blog entry for you. Hey i just got back from school and i quickly thought of it ok. I still havent bathe yet and not to mention, eat. I just saw what my mum cook and god i'm starving right now. But still here i am writting you a birthday wish. To top that, i even edited the silly picture of you. Look at it and cry about how sweet i am k? haha It's your 21st birthday Saufi so make 21 wishes if you havent been doing it for the last 20 years. 1 of it say this k, " i wish Dinie Amsyar will get a new stringer for himself from whoever and a ME-50 multi-effect gadget along with it". Thank you Saufi =). Ok la amsy being a lame ass like hey macarena. Bet you wish i'm there beside you after reading this right Saufi? hahaha ok amsy gay dog. Well who said i want to give you a kiss or a hug? Just a manly hand shaking thingy or maybe a little bit of crying here and there and then maybe hug a little, ..... add on to a light kiss on the cheek hahaha oooook shutting up my pie hole. All i have to say to you is to take good care of yourself, keep fit and stay healthy like you always do when you order your "healthy diet meal" *smacks you on the head*. Good boy. ~!#$% HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAUFI! %$#!~ Wednesday, July 23, 2008 @ 11:10 PM
End 7 months of chaotic madness. Now i just hope it will end. I'm 19 years old now and i just think all of the relationship matter then were just a bunch of nonsense. I'm thinking differently, i feel different now. I swear to god i just don't care about it at all anymore knowing the truth of her from top to bottom, in and out. There's no need for me to say or explain. I just want end. End of everything. Im tired. Tired of being hated and nagged at. I'm sick of it. Sick of it all. I'm fed up. Fed up with the annoyance. I'm done. I-AM-DONE. To her : Option in life, yes there are.... don't turn me into it, not Dinie Amsyar.UKWIM. Monday, July 21, 2008 @ 6:42 PM
The ant was long gone, a cockroach were then born. I don't get it. Yeah i know you're glad that i've moved on but why are you trying to bring back the past?. Not happy with the ending of the story? Then start your own new story and maybe you can have a better ending, this time round. Grow up would you?. Hey girl i'm tired of your nonsense and please please just stop it would you?. I'm not in your way for what you want now, so go...go and live your life like a speed demon rider on a skateboard with a new pair of skate shoes. I don't care anymore and i truely got nothing else more to say to you. ps: Don't blame me for all this, you made me do it for being patheticly annoying. Yes yes i'm a jerk or if i were to be a girl, yes yes i'm a fucking bitch. I'm everything bad and you're everything nice, like power puff girls. Happy now? Now shoo! Sunday, July 20, 2008 @ 11:36 AM
Kiddos Wtf were those bloody damn kids doing there judging bands for tapestry?! Yeah CJ had an audition for tapestry today haha. Faarken kids were the only ones there to judge for qualifications. *sigh* ... I just gave damn a "not a big deal if we're not qualified" face throughout the audition. nyahah. I mean obviously they don't really care about how good you are, nowadays people go for looks like what some girls have in their mind if they want to have a bf and plus most among those kids were girls, like omg are you people looking for bfs or bands to perform? -___-" heh. I really did'nt expected kids a year or two younger than me being there to judge haha. Well actually i don't mind and i know we're going to be qualified for tapestry because..... we're quite cute. HAHAHA ok shiet amsy~ I'm really tired after three straight days going out with my heavy stringers here and there. Godly weekend though and satisfying. To that i give a classic aaah~. Good night fabulos peeps. *kisses you all good night*. Suka? hahaha shhh Amsy's sleeping. @ 12:48 AM
Ok stand by... Ok go. BOOyarh! Just got home and hell yeah i'm really-really exhausted, like after romeo made love with juliet...ermm...yeah nyahah. I had a recording session with CJ today. Want to here it, visit www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack. It's just a demo though for people to hear. It will sound way better in the future with lots of further improvements, godly mixing and mastering blablabla UKWIM. nyeheh. I had a good laugh to how i sounded singing this particular part in the song. My god i would'nt want to say it haha but yeah shit it was a damn shitty vocals ever. But with the power technology, i could just simply cut that vocal part and re-record it again nyehehe. So yeah, it sounds better now haha. I said better, i did'nt say good haha. ok grr. Proud of CJ, xoxo. I had a really enjoyable time and yeah i'm happy with my random life. I got to find myself now and manage to put myself together on my own after the horror that haunted me in the past. To hell with it. Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 12:49 AM
A Randomly Gay Day. Oh yess it was farken gay nyehehe. And when i say gay i mean happy hehe, but somehow we just feel gay with such random thoughts. Met Ad with no plans or what so ever. Wanted to call Saufi along but was told that he's tired. So yeah i understand but just telling that it would be much more than just a great day spent if he was around. Before that i just followed my family and cousins to (gay)lang haha for lunch. Went to this malay restaurant, the food was damn delisimo. You can just simply turn into a drooling machine just by smelling those damnly rich in vitamins and minerals dishes and after consuming it, there'll be a classic aaaaah~... huhu oookay whatever Amsy. Well then Ad and me walked towards nowhere and i just randomly thought of going to a playground at some park heh i would'nt want to tell you because it's a secret place where you can find peace, silence, fresh air of all the the fresh ones around, brand new swings and blablabla with an awesome sundown view. Oh man it was such a turn on location but too bad, there's no special someone for me to spent with there, but the thing is i don't need no farken special one to make me feel happy when i have my homies with me, you guys know who you are. Thanks Ad for making my day. If you were a girl, i would have said that i had a really awesome date with you today, but i'm just telling that you don't have to be a girl to be my special someone. =) Haha seriously i just feel like a young boy on swings and to top that we could even laugh on i don't know what while swinging. The feeling was so weird i mean it's been a long time since i last went on a fcuking swing. Plus it was a brand new swing tee hee hee~ -___-" ...hahaha. Ok la i know people think that i'm just acting cute but hey quit lying to yourself that you're too old for all this. You don't have to be young to play. The swing i mean hehe *raise eyebrow with an evil smile*. Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 11:24 PM
Ngee Ann Poly Gig. Another satisfying day. It was so great that i could eat a horse...err ok no link heh. Well what i actually wanted to say is that i was hungry throughout half of the day. I only had H20 for the journey to the other side of Singapore dang it. Ok now stop complaining and let's get going. Yeah the gig was awesome, only that i was'nt happy with my guitar tuning. Argh i just feel irritated by myself being cashless to get me one of those brand new stringers. I want to work but what about school?! I want to quit school but what about my future?!. Oh man life is so wonderfully fucked up. Back to the story heh. I just love the sound of cheering and applause given by the crowd. The feeling is like when you stand at the front end of the ship deck and raise your hand to your shoulder side and breathe in, like the girl on titanic nyahahaha. Well it's close to that i think, tee hee hee~. CJ really appreciates the crowd and those others who support CJ and appreciate CJ''s original songs. CJ's loves ya'll and wish to get laid with too nyahaha. We might look proud or those Singaporeans say "action", sorry if we did'nt say hi or smile, maybe we just don't really recognise you or we're just simply short sighted haha.. So maybe if you guys don't mind saying hi to us instead and i'm sure that will really make our day and i bet we'll be dreaming about you when we sleep nyahaha. To be honest we are 1 part gay and and 3 parts... hahah ok bullshit la AMSY!!. I had a wonderful time with my fellow CJ today, i love you guys. And not to forget Maisah and her friend Yani i think? and CJ's number one fan Hazreel haha ala la la CUTE!#$^ la kau. =) Monday, July 7, 2008 @ 10:35 PM
Back to school...or what? Friends in school called me today saying Amsyar was'nt in school. I got so worried about it so i went around central and travel to town to go search for him. Thought maybe he skipped school without me knowing. Hehehee~.. I just could'nt wake up and was having such a nice time on bed. The feeling is so godly with my eyes shut tight and with a boster in between my fleshy and sexy legs wearing only shorts that when you look at me you feel like getting laid. Haha ok i bet readers are giving me the look on the face but thinking about, you know...ermm...you know... hahaha. Wokay shuddup. I did'nt have a good day today but i think it's just going to be a for me to know and for you to find out thingy. Just telling though that you'll never know haha but ok i'll tell abit. ' Today i...'. There, that's all i can tell hahaha. My head is spinning and my vision is kinda blurry. Am i dying. Or i just need, you know...ermm...you know... muahaha. You guys dont know!, only someone know. nyeheh. What i need is a good night sleep or maybe never to wake up again.*Giga-sigh*. Ok seriously i need to rest. Cheerios loco fella. Sunday, July 6, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
Back to school. Yes yes tmr i have to go to school yet again like before. Sick and tired of school farking uniforms. I don't get to wear the skirts damn it hmp! I really wanted to nyahaha. Sick of the food at my school and there are so little choices to make me feel satisfied about having breaks. I would rather break-dance. hahahaherrrmmm *clears throat*. I suddenly realise it's been a long time since i last fall sick, after chatting with amanda saying she's sick. Ala la la so pity pity. Well now she's not replying on msn, i think she went to the toilet to vomit or something heh i don't know and i would'nt want to think about how it looks like. Eeee~. Green? yellow? purple with brown shadings? It's a mystery. *Taps Amanda head softly* there there go and have a rest. And ya where were we, oh ya school hehe. Well there's nothing much to say about school actually. School is like this one big place where you study under it's roof. And there will be lecturers around looking so formal talking crap and minding people's business - 'Hey boy, i thought i asked you to cut your hair?says the lecturer'. This and that and what more!? Ok now that's crap talk. Well you people get the point about school, it's boring and i find it a waste of part of my precious life. If only i was born a genius like Dinie Amsyar Bin Brad Pitt the GREAT.*a big sigh*haha. Pure boredom attitude. Fark it. Well i'm wondering what scene there's going to be in school tmr. How i wish i can just make things happen like how i want to. Too bad i'm no god. I am so enjoying chatting now that i forgot i have a post pending. Nyahaha. Blood pressure rising, armpit hair standing, BRAIN JAM! I need a break from all this post entries but i'm really stuck in doing it as if it's my farken hobby. And like since when?! haha. So yeah, school tmr and nothing much to talk about it anyway. Amigos soto prella boom balebale sway donDONG. Means Catch ya later you 1 legged dog with a cat's head..........and a moustache.-___-"??? @ 2:42 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 10) Had a randomly 1 part gay 3 parts dudely day, yay yay.. Haha yes. So proud of CJ. I see improvements here and there and i see us standing on a big stage somewhere in london, with professional equillizer settings, lazer lightings with smoke machines and flaming side stage with big bang booms here and there, awesomely ginormous amps with surround sound with 3D effects of our performance on tv like Hannah Montana on disney channel but.......... with no crowds... -__-" nyaha-ha~. Haha i am so anoyingly random and i bet bloghoppers would want to choke me with megatons of hugs and kisses because i sound soo really-really cute when i'm random. HAHAHA ok kill me. heh. Went for a jam session with me pablo fabuloso estriamo gonzalles pottriama babu bebe bom papa pussy pussy lom cam pas, which means 'love ones'. nyahaha. See i can speak dumb. If english is hard. Just go DUMB! *looking here and there while twirling armpit hair*. I had so many different kind of drinks, first i had coffee, and then red-bull followed by soya bean, iced lemon tea and erm... ok ok i know you guys get the point and you really did'nt asked. Like i said, I'M TELLING! Oh and look it's part 10 already.(Bloghoppers says: 10 only...) haha ok i'm paranoid like an android in the show dragon ball z..... okaaaaaaaaaay. Haha don't mind those wtf phrase that i typed. It's called the "what i do when im bored and out of brain juice". Yes yes yes and yeah... So we slacked by the river at clarke quay. I like the romantic view but too bad there's no one to hold and share it with but only my fellow bandmates. Would'nt want to be desperate gays, i mean gay is ok but, desperate...man. Haha ok fcuk it Amsy is one son of a mummy-daddy with bullshits in his mighty morphing brain. Shift into turbo! I'm chatting with Ad right now while thinking about what craps i'm going to splat on this 'LOLS' online diary of mine. You're giving me pressure bitch! haha sorry Ad but i still love you no matter what names given from me to you. I say 'i' you say 'love' k? HAHAHA SHUT UP DINIE AMSYAR BIN BRAD PITT!. nyahahaha-HAHA! Tuesday, July 1, 2008 @ 1:20 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 9) I'm really bored and feeling rather warm. I have been perspiring since sunrise till sunset and even now i am still perspiring. The weather i'm telling you, is really getting on me nerves. I mean i am not even doing excercise or what, jumping or running about. Just sat on the couch, watched tv with the fan on. 2 fans to top that. No exciting shows on in every channel. One bloody boring day for me and i should say i've lost a couple of pounds. Burning fats while doing nothing. Yesh. I feel weird today. I don't no what's got in to me. Am i growing to fast or something? Or am i being paranoid about i don't know what haha. I don't even know if i am thinking or have i been dreaming since morning till now. Guess i'm just tired and sick of my life now. Everyday is the same. I wake up, take a bath and then eat, watch tv, online and eat snacks. Anything that i can find in my kitchen i'll just grab it and stuff it in my mouth. And continued munching throughout the whole day until i feel the pressure of eating too much . It's starts from the tummy and right up tp my brains. I'll feel nausea. And i will tend to think about going to bed. Man i feel unhealthy. Maybe that's why i'm not feeling like myself all this while. I really have to check my blood pressure and all health thingy. Right about now i should say i'm missing her very much. I want to conversate about us with her now but i just can't. I want to tell her i want to be with her, start anew and forget about what happened in the past and just focus what's there for us ahead. |