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Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 7:51 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 14) What's up?!..... Aeroplane? Yes! I just got home from the RSAF open house to watch an airshow. It's like a school outing. So many kids from other schools were there too. They help us to warm the seats heheh. I was like, omg look at that, omg look at this, omg it's so hot, omg i'm so hungry, omg it's gonna rain, omg EVERYTHING! I LOVE PLANES!!!!! I've been dreaming big to be a pilot but sadly i'm only able to make it through the technician/engineer area. Farken sore in the heart. Feels like " i syg you tapi i tak nak you lagi sebab i dah jelak ngan you". ok wtf was that suppose to mean? IDK... haha. Those who can't understand, ask you malay friends. Well i'm just to lazy to translate and i just think it sounds much more of a lame ass idiotic attitude sentence in malay garhaha. I met 2 of my old secondary friends and boy they've grown up so much. I remember the time i have to breast feed them when they cried for food. -___-???... yes i know. I'm just hungry sorry. Havent had any proper meal since morning OKAAAAAY?!. I'm glad they still remember me unlike some of those who just ignores me. I don't really care much about those kind of peeps to be honest. To hell with you guys. Kiss my cat's furry arse!. Breaks my heart though but what can i do? Drink strawberry milk, what else nyeheheh. If only i had a camera. Then maybe i could snap pictures and upload it here. But nvm, it was just a bloody airshow with planes in the sky, flying here and there, displays and stuff that's all, not much. If you guys are desperate to know, make a paper plane and throw it out your window, it's something like that. TRY IT, have fun! -___-". Argh i'm so hungry i could eat a skunks bottom. Mum's cooking fried rice, but it looks green. She used green chillies. It looks weird and yucky but somehow it taste so yummy. Mum's cooking is everything nice like powerpuff girls even if it's made of shit. I think. haha. Ok shit now i feel fucked up again. Exams........................................................................................................... Tomorrow is teacher's day, i'll be going to school to have cake... yes...early in the morning... get a bus to yishun for a cake... can never get more interesting than that...yeaah..... But what the hell, for the sake of love from me to my teachers. I'm willing to suffer the morning waking up burden for them. For love, i'll do anything, everything. anyhow, anyway, whenever.....whatever Amsy. Actually, i'll just go with the flow, i mean if i'm too lazy to wake up, then i'll just continue on with my farken beauty sleep. Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 8:36 PM
>>>Braindrill<<< So many things to do, so little time. So many things to study, so little time, So many money gone for mefitty, in such a little time..... shut up. Feeling calm yet fucked up in mind. Exams are so near and i don't want to screw up. Been there, done that. I meant screwing up. Feel like doing my national service right now. Then i can do whatever the f*** i want with my life. One life... one job... one girl... one thingy... make the children... cut the childrens hair... bake the cake... eat the cake... comb the hair... smelling nice everywhere..... hug hug... kiss kiss... BIG hug... BIG kiss... hug hug... kiss kiss... little hug... little kiss... hug hug... kiss kiss. -__-"???. Brain is slipping out of my ears like blended fuit juice or me slidding down a ginormous slide at a freakin large swimming pool, o-kay wadefark. Maybe it's because i'm drinking coke instead of my darling SM. Coke makes me high. And now my vision is blurry. Am i sleepy? Maybe. SM makes me horny and after that i wish i could get laid with the dutch lady printed on the box. WOKAY i'm really juiced up. *GIGANTORNOMOUS SIGH* I'm not sick, i'm not sad, and i'm sure i'm not crazy as well. Just having loads and loads of thoughts when i picture myself in the future. There are so many and i just dont know which to pick. I need help. I need to talk with someone neither close nor far, someone i can trust. I want to carve away what's left rotten in my head. I kept drilling deeper and deeper but they're stuck like shit in me arsehole. They won't get out. Maybe i should try blowing them out. Sponsoring TNT's anyone? Give it to me. Zzz... Well at least Razwani cheered me up with some hilariously fucked up vids on youtube. Man i laughed alone in the guest room but not loud hehe. Just laughed in my empty little heart. Thank you Wsni for pimping my..... yeah.. haha. Like what the hell Lyra went offline, She needs to break the pickle and get a tickle-tickle. Ok that is so random binte abdul coco crunch. And another of me lad is having problems, we're kinda facing the same problem and we think quite alike because we are, 'THE bloody legendary and farken godly RUNNERS' *echos after echos after echos...* Yet again, if you bloody readers are lost about what i'm talking here, it was a previous blog entry of mine. Go check it out and give me a bloody pathetic face like so, -___-". Thank you and good night sucka.........! Monday, August 18, 2008 @ 6:53 PM
After so long and now it's almost time. I've been eyeing on her since long ago. And i know she did look back at me too. I've seen her alot of times. She looks really nice in blue. Infact everytime when i see her, she's in blue. From that, i know her favourite colour is blue. Oh the sweet, SWEET look on her makes me wanna drop it like it's hot. I could'nt stop thinking of her every night. I did saw her at the tapestry event the other day, but a with a guy. =(. Buuuuut i'm meeting her soon, oh hell yeah!!. 2 wks yaw!. What should i do when i see her? What should i wear? I'm so excited and nervous. Oh shit what's her name?! Oh ya i don't know how they spell it but i think its mefitty? Her nick i guess haha. Sounds sweet though and i know she looks really-really sweet. Oh...*staring at the sky, eye sparkling and having visions of mefitty in the BLUE sky with a romantic background music*... .......... ..... I wonder how she would sound like... hmm. Well many said she can make many sort of noise but at the same time, she sounds really nice. And many would pay to have her. She's a prostitute? NO! She's a multi effect gadget which i have always wanted since last year or maybe the year before. Hahaha shiets, come on i'm not in the mood to get a girl YET. I have duties. Ok wait i don't, just that i'm quite happy but i guess having someone would'nt hurt, but who? heh you'll never know. What i know is that i'm happy that i'm going to get what i want after so long. Aaaah i'm gonna cherish it like how much i love me SM me tells ya,nyahaaaa. ![]() ME-50...COME TO DADDY! Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Tapestry was like 'The-pastry' -__-?? Almost half a day wasted just waiting for the organiser to get ready. Got to know that they did'nt have the power socket to connect to the equipments there. All bands had to wait about 5 hours before the event starts. Man the mood was there until we got bored and tired of waiting. Feeling hungry like piglets by the streets with sympathetic face just waiting to be slapped by a tabla player. Everything was suppose to be ready by 12pm but instead it starts around 5+. Imagine with the cockup time management. Many bands had only little songs to play to balance the time for other bands that's going to perform later. Sad but frankly speaking the night time view of the event was great with the, close to awesomeness lightings. So i don't really think those bands performing late really mind. CJ had to be the humble one, and so we performed only 3 songs total to give time for other bands chance to perform. Disappointed but still we had an enjoyable time. Only thing was, there were some bloody empty headed fucking unwanted monkeys, annoyingly stood up and bloody act like bunch of monkeys while we were performing. Shit i tell you they behaved worst than kindergarden kids. Retarded maybe. One of them took the mic and were shouting into it, i don't really remember what he said but it was pure rudeness and disrespectful of them to us. I mean i know they were enjoying our songs but hey respect the performers la dumb ass. Ad was talking to the crowd to introduce the next song and that knn cb f*** nabey tengteng yippee dee doo guy made noise on the mic. WHAT WAS IN HIS BLOODY HEAD!? My oh my who raised that forsaken child? I pity the parents. They failed to raise a decent kid. Turn out to be a genetically "improved" species haha sad sad SAAAAAAD. Well all i can say to them is keep it up and soon you guys shall be beaten up and turned into a can filled with loads of craps and shits, or maybe skinned alive and turned into a beg or a belt...or nothing. FUCK YOU! Despite all those mind corrosion incident, CJ had quite an awesome performance and laughters about sickening kids (mentioned above) and some pathetic wannabeezzzzzz. Farken trendy wankers. Tapestry have been infested by annoying pokemons. Dan and i talked about bands using synths, now we think that it's a sin to be using a synth. Most of the local bands who uses synths don't really use'em well. I just find it ear disturbing to hear the synth being tortured and not loved like how i love my strawberry milk haha ok stop it. Here are some pictures of our performance. ![]() Yes, and you can see that my elbow failed to heal by sunrise and i still had to wear the elbow guard =(... But i did'nt mind, felt comfortable wearing it. And yarh, picture was taken before those 'bloody empty headed fucking unwanted monkeys' came to the front and bloody got high to our songs and decide to make themselves look like idiots. Yet still in the end CJ got a satifying feeling after the performance and i bet CJ slept with a wide smile on the face. Only mine was wider because i drank SM before i went to bed nyahaha!! -___-". To look at more pictures, visit www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack and you can also listen to our demo there. Thank you =). @ 1:03 AM
Count down to tapestry. Just got home from jah-meeeng with CJ. Had a late night session and it was ge ge ge great. What's not is that i hurt my elbow. Since last 2 days it has been bugging me and now i have to wear an elbow guard. I hit my elbow on something hard and hit really hard. I can't really recall what was it that i banged my elbow on. Argh who cares anyway. I just want it to heal fast. If possible before sunrise later. I'm afraid if it's fractured or something. Maaan i already broke my left arm before and now the right?! Shit what's next then heh. Tapestry is just hours from now and i' thinking of what's going to happen. Happy, anxious and i am really tired kekeke. I'm drinking S_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M_ _ _ now. It's SO NICE umm nyam nyam nyam! nyeheh. Every sip can put a wide smile on my face. I'll only cheat on my strawberry milk for another girl if the girl can put a smile on my face as how my strawberrry milk does it. Huahuahua so yeah it's going to be hard. Even harder than..... i don't know what hehe. But yeah it's hard. Huhu. And maybe... just maybe my strawberry milk can give me the calcium to heal my elbow. Can a girl do that?. I DON'T THINK SO! NYAHAH -___-" Counting down to tapestry starting from 6500...6499.......... Zzzzzz.. Tuesday, August 12, 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Busy-busy hair so frizzy...thoughts around me makes me crazy. Dang it i'm gonna have a practical test tmr, the day after and exams are so near. What if i fail? What if i can't make it through and graduate successfully? What there is for me after school? It's been swinging in my mind for weeks and only now that i realise that everything is so near. Even end of the world yeah haha fark. Oh lord, why am i living a life full of grown-up thoughts? Am i thinking much more mature now? Or am i thinking as if i'm mature? or maybe...just maybe i'm annoyed and stress of what happened and what's happening? Questions are packed in mind. Finding a way to release it all to get rid the pain of burden. I'm handling too much i guess. But i feel so calm. Like there's nothing to worry about. I am worried. Am i lost? Am i confused? I don't think so. I know how to control myself. I'm in control of my life. So what's bothering me?. Scary. Weird. I feel so different then before but i'm still still who i am. I still play and joke. I'm who i am when i was 5 or 10 years ago. And yarh, i still think that most people i know have changed alot. Some are not even being nice to me. What have i done to them to be treated like so? I don't understand. Sad of this bloody sickening changes all around, but still i'm feeling happy at the same time. I feel satisfied. I like what i have and what i don't now. No regrets of anything. I love myself. I love for who i am today. I am proud of myself. I am proud to be who i am. I love Dinie Amsyar. Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 10:07 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 13) I'm so bloated, i can vomit a horse -__-???. I ate 2 packets of chicken rice and still can go for more. Oh my i'm such a heavy eater. Got nothing to worry though. I'm good at maintaining my girly curved body nyeheheh. Girly curved?? What only Amsy hehe. Just trying to convert the word sexy in a wtf way. Well don't bother. Had a rather lame ass day. No awesome shows on tv. Only those sickening olympic shows here and there. So this is what's best to do when there's nothing on tv or on a lame and boring day with nothing else better to do. Not to say i hate sports. But watching it is so not cool. I'd rather watch ants creeping and crawling in and out from the holes and cracks on the walls in my house. It's way cooler...i think nyahah. Dad is being annoying again and again. He knows i don't like durians or even the smell of it. Purposely walks here and there in the house with a farking durian in his hand. I can't even smell my own sweet smelling body odour. Durian smell is like taking up every corner of space in the house. Oh god the rage in me. Just felt like eating up the durians so as to speed up the process of it being eaten. Yeah you get what i mean. And i bet you know how annoyed i was. There's still 2 more in the kitchen now. Grr.. If i'm 'chucky', i would have forced those 2 durians through his throat and in his belly it goes. Why is the durian so nice? What taste does it give you? Is it so heavenly that when you eat it, you'll have the chance to go to heaven? Ok now that's crap. I mean... argh nvm. Haha i just don't know why i'm not attracted or addicted to durians as how others think of it. Maybe because durians are disgusting and not girls? nyehehe. I think i'll never know. God made me this way. 5 more days to tapestry. I don't feel any tension in me like how i use to feel before. I mean, i'll be thinking about it and feeling nervous even the day before performing. I guess what i asked for is happening. so long stage fright!. Heh. Just hope it won't come back on the day of tapestry. I'll kill... hmm... no one actually. huhu =(. I know Ad's waiting for my shaky fingers(inside joke) to happen and will be laughing at it. Shiets... -___-". I'll let you down Ad haha. I hope hehe. Despite all the annoyance, boredom and many more, Amsy is happy like a rockstar and love for strawberry milk is still there and growing. =) Saturday, August 9, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Happy Birthday Singapore! Argh when is it going to be my turn damn it. Nyahaha next year lad!. Well Singapore, i could'nt think of what to buy for you, so i bought cake and i buried it for you to enjoy. Have fun -___-". Well that explains what kind of day i had on National Day. Not to say it's boring or lame. Just plain emptiness like looking at a dead crow in your backyard with cricket sounds. Ok that's crap. Well i had alot of fun actually. Having all my family and cousins under one roof, jokes around and laugh like a retarded laughing person.....??? ok continue. One of my little cousin got irritated by her mum not letting her out to watch the fireworks etc with her friends. If i were to be in her shoes, i would be a sick guy who's turning gay...-__-???. No no, i mean, i would be more that annoyed by that attitude. I mean, CAN'T I GO OUT TO LOOK AT THOSE DAMN BLOODY FIREWORKS WHICH ONLY HAPPENS ONCE OR TWICE A YEAR!?. Oh man i'm glad i'm not her. Why would i want to be her in the first place anyway?, then i would have to spend money on pads. Nyahaha.. herrrrherrr. I ate alot today. Just hope that i won't grow fat like how i was during my primary school times. Man i was a farking pig. With the bunch of layers of fats on my neck and forsaken tummy. EEeee. The horror just thinking of it. So M-18 haha. It's not that bad actually. I look cute and cuddly. Hmm...haha ok stop talking about fats and especially me being fat. You don't want to look at my old pictures. Get a 3D glass before looking. Visions of my pictures would at least be rated lower say...NC-16? nyahaha. Wokay i'm high on nothing but still am crapping. Crapping for the sake of love from the readers all over and around. Awwww xoxo from me to you. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE. Wish you the best for the coming future and keep up the good work on being a 'fine' country. Hell yeah to that. Bless you. Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Rock and Rainy Hell yeah it was raining today. After such a long time it has been warm, hot, humid, blazing, perspiry and everything else that has to do with warmth, at last it rains and the cold breeze reminds me of... my fridge? haha yesh. Got nothing much to talk about rain though but i thank god for it. Maybe he/she read my blog entry complaining about the humid?argh huhu k sorry god sorry just kidding =). Despite the rain, i still went out. Home is Zzzzz and i don't want to Zzzzz because it is so Zzzzz. Yeah i think you're clear heh. Met CJ for a jam session. Ah yes surprisingly, the rain did'nt only set the mood for us to rock but many others too. The room was packed and fully occupied by some other musician wanna be. We waited like some humble rockstars nyehehe at the same time being cute as always harharhar. -__-" whatever haha. Well, there're no words that can describe the fun you can have hanging out with CJ. It's magical. We're just simple kids with simple needs. And cute heh. What makes it fun is that we are BLOODY GIGANTORLY RANDOM AS HELL. Oh yeah, don't mess with bloody CJ's cause we ain't playing with bullies. We're gangsters i tell you, we're gangster oh yeah. I wet my pants today. I did'nt pee in it ok! Just wet. Damn the rain, it's not that i want it to be wet. Ruined my farking butt's day haha shiets. Uncomfortably uncomfortable i must say. And dangerous ok. What if rashes appear on my baby butt? Then i can't model for baby johnson's lotion anymore. arhaha funny Amsy funny. Night pablos. Sunday, August 3, 2008 @ 9:52 PM
August Burns Red A rather warm month, it has already started a few months back but now it's getting worst. The intense heat. The burning feelings. Weakening homos. Draining fluids from their body fast. Draining thoughts which cause random actions by some. Lack of thinking by people who are affected by the outrage of the heat. Including me. Thought i was paranoid. It's august now and things around me changes so quickly. Dissappointed of the question why, angry of lies to oneself, eager to get things back like it was before, but destiny is what meant to be. It's not for me to change or to recreate. Though i'm not the one with the problem. Still i sense there is more to come. There is more to look out for ahead in the future. This entry is neither a problem of temperature nor anything to do with saving gaia. But if you think it's quite the problem that you wish i would talk about then go get a book from the library which talks about it, or you could even try buying Al Gore's documentary DVD about earth,global warming and more. This entry is about the intensity of the pressure in my thoughts. August 2008, the month which i clearly see that things are really changing. So much that it bleeds me in the heart. So warm that it turned my strawberry milk sour. Ok that part i'm crapping. Everywhere i see, are people with confused mind. Seems to me that people are being hypnotized by stupidity. Getting into a state of confusion. Doing things without thinking about the outcome. I feel sad for my dearest lad. Facing a relationship problem which is about similar to what i faced. He should at least be glad that mine was way worst than what he's facing now. But still, he's a nice guy. He's the most thoughtful person i've known. Of course there are others besides him. I just wish the girl would at least consider giving him the chance to let him show more of his capabalities before even giving up. For what i know, it will be a massive heartbreak for him and a bundle of regrets awaits her in the future. I don't get what's the point of turning a guy into an option. WTF? For example, if i were to be your bf and in the end i just split my mind for another girl. I'm talking to all you girls out there. At a point when you really love me that much and got to know that i just got interest with some girl i just knew or my ex and turns you into an option for me to choose. Thinking of you like a toy or a candy in some cheap stores. Know how it feels? Like the feeling that you're gonna get? You think you can live with the insult given by me? And another thing is, i know i'll regret for what i've done to you. August 2008 has been harsh on me mentally. Oh how surprising would it be for me to end up having a mental problem. Would'nt want that for sure. Right now i'm already a half sick bastard minded person. Which explains my random "poetry" post entry. Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 11:47 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 12) Oh i'm so glad that i am feeling much better. Yesterday was a nightmare only that it's real. I had a really random high fever for being healthy for too long. errr... haha. Man i thought i was going to die on my bed like all holy dudes should. Hahah but seriously, all i could think about was about "what will happen if i were to be dead now?". I was half expecting to meet death angel. The other half was to meet charlie's angels nyahahah!!!. You can imagine the suffer i went through that night, shivering and at the same time perspiring like wtf. It feels so wrong to shiver and to be sweating like an excercising pig. I don't need to be a doctor to tell that i'm having a high fever. Lucky that my lovey dovey strawberry milk was there to help cure me tastebuds. Everything that i consumed, i just can't detect the taste of it but only my strawberry milk. Haha ok ok enough with the strawberry milk. I just got news from CJ yesterday that we got selected for tapestry and will be performing on the 16th of august. YAY to that haha. Yet again i'm proud of CJ. For those who are curious of who we are and what music we play, come down to support us and enjoy our performance. It will mean everything to us. We'll give you an orgasmic thrill ride, heart pumping to the music , nose bleeding to satisfactory, eye popping to attractiveness and laughter to randomness...pure awesomeness. Tempting? hahaha shiets i'm just playing. |