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Monday, September 29, 2008 @ 5:00 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 19) Aaaah yes, breathe in the new atmosphere from the new blogskin that i have now. It took me about 6-7+ hours to edit the forsaken codings, change the fonts, to relink argh and farking lots more and though i can still manage to think just after waking up from me beauty sleep, my brain is still lack of juices and my mind is narrowed. Maybe i accidentally left my mind back in lala land. And now i've lost my mind NYAHAHA... ok that's a terrible joke and really doesnt make any sense. Damn it now i have to go search for it when i get back to sleep nyehehe. Oh look i think i still have my crappy mind, well that counts and quite enough to write an entry with an oomph~ Well i had troubles with the codings and so Manda helped me out and now i'm happy nyahaha. Thank you Manda =). I was so into this blogskin editing that i just would'nt even think about going to sleep or even felt sleepy. I slept like around 9- this morning garhaha. Well Manda was suppose to stay away when she suddenly nudged me on msn and went offline. Soon later i got a text saying, "i slp first haha. Gdnight." on 29 September 2008, 4.36am garhaha ok no need for all the details haha. Well details are very important actually, for evidence just incase if anyone or maybe Manda murder me. Detectives will have clues and evidence clearly written on my blog entry harghargh~. To Amsy's haters, i dare ya'll. I still havent took a shower yet. Don't know if i want to nyeheh. Just too lazy. I wonder if i can sleep tonight with all the energy i have waking up at around this time. Damn it. Just a couple more hours to break fast and surprisingly i don't feel hungry. Hmm... did i accidentally drank or ate something before i head 2 bed at 9 this morning? garhaha kidding. Well now my house i really packed by homos adding up to my cousins who will be staying here for quite sometime. They sold their house and now still havent find a place to stay -___-". The increasing population in one home can really increase the temperature in the surrounding atmosphere. So yeah i think you get the point. But whatever, i can do nothing about it, it's god's will. I''l just have to bare with it and maybe sweat off my fats with the high temperature and soon you'll see me as thin as a stick insect.....okay. Saturday, September 27, 2008 @ 5:32 PM
Inspired Breathing in the sweet melodies and the aura from a godly creative bunch of lads with awesome mind. I salute them with both my hands, fingers and also with the tiny little hairs on it. They make me wanna get jiggy and dance like a horny bastard slut with a pole wearing only boxers and using uncooked prata flour to cover up my sexy nipples. -___-" Argh pure boredom... Talented homos or should i say gifted with the gift of creativity which can put a smile on faces and joy to the people around the world. I love this, bring more of this and i'll die smiling with no regrets in life haha =). Enjoy the video... and you might wanna press the pause button to stop the bg music. Monday, September 22, 2008 @ 12:00 AM
Happy 18th Birthday Adlan~! From lvl 0 and now you're big and strong but still young and turning into a hero, i think heh heh. The newage homo... Adlan lvl 18. Now you're strong enough to fight chun-li from street fighters nyahaha. Now that you're a big somebody, be an even better person than before and you shall be respected like how 18 year old kids should be respected. Thank your mum for the life she gave you and your dad too. Without them, there won't be a reincarnation of Pete Doherty but only that this one turn out to be a malay lad nyahah. Glad to have known you after all this years, laughters and tears shed together. Well actually i cry alone haha i mean why would i want to cry with you...erm that would be farkenly gay haha. Maybe one day we try? Cry together k? and then we blog about it k? haha. I love the fact that we can have a never ending lame jokes and i'm proud that we are actually quite bright kids who hangs out with a mouthful of godly reasons. The purpose of our friendship is not all about jokes only but many. I think we are quite enough of a number to bring world peace. But then the world will have no actions and news will only have things like animal documentary to talk about and prolly, the world ends, so yeah it's better to leave the world as it is now haha. Wtf lets brise and cheers to your special day. I wish you a bright future and that's linked to my bright future too i think nyeheheh. So lad, be happy and forget what's pass and carry on with your newage life. Be sexy but stay classy.....-___-? ![]() HAHAHA HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARrr ME MATEY! Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 2:31 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 18) Wuuuu~ It's a dry season for blog updates here nyeheh oh well. I'm am so handling quite a number of problems now... with friends and families. I think i should visit the infomation counter in heaven to see if my name is listed to be in heaven, if i am... i shall jump out from my window now. Ok wait, i don't think it's a good idea...shits my house is on the first floor -___-". I'll slit my wrist then... but i'm too afraid to do that. Ok fine i'll put 10 tea spoon of salt in my milk and cereal everyday.... and a little bit of bleach. So i'll either die or my organs will turn white... and then i'll die. Ok. Oh it's so warm now, again... Maybe it's because of the increasing hatred aura in every single being around me. Why am i being the victim of such moshing riots inner anger. I am so going to get a yoga class to release the tension and be a free spirit. Wait a minute, does the word free spirit means being dead? If yes then, i want... I WANT!*raising up hand and waving it like a loonatic...while drinking strawberry milk*. Well i want to tell that CJ's system is online... full blast volume check, guitars tuning check, drums tone settings check, mic check... and so lets go. Recording on the 18th of october has been postponed cause we just got a slot to perform on that day. It'll be held at the Arts House Playden and we'll be selling 20 tix. Tickets are sold at 12 bucks each. CJ's slot will be at 7pm. We would be really glad to see you guys supporting CJ whenever even in the near future or in the afterlife garhaha. So catch us with some new materials live this coming day. So here it is, Crackerjack performing on: 18th October 2008 Time: 7pm Venue: The Arts House Playden Tix: $12 For contacts or flirting nyehehe just drop a message at www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack or if you're too lazy just farken tag on me tagboard. Thank you and we will appreciate that you guys would actually come. Not only us who'd be perofrming but there will be 20 other bands performing on that day. So yeah it's about supporting the local but for the organisers, it's all about the money and profits so yeah together we shall fark that bloody rotten nugget attitude and maybe make a chaotic scene at the gig. Maybe say... we pluck the organiser's eyebrow using chopsticks garhahaha, ok. Wednesday, September 17, 2008 @ 10:47 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 17) Hello*Low octave*... Hello*Middle octave*... HELLO*High octave*... Well i'm just feeling so random now and the best thing to do is to blog and act as if people care. I know that people don't really care but who cares? I mean i do care about what people care but still who cares if people don't care? What's the point of caring what people have to care about you caring about what all the people cares right? Okay don't bother about Amsy. He ate loads of chocolates and biscuits and now he's feeling hyper after consuming those totally high in fibre, minerals and vitamins snacks. Ding ding ding! Sis just got home and she bought dendeng and kebab,which is roasted meat wrapped in some kind of flat bread thingy -___-???. Whatever it is, i shall be eating'em later yawrhawrhawrhawr!!!. Well i just had an art competition earlier today. Manda signed up for it too. It was fun. An online art competition. The battle of facial expression drawings. Hell yeah it was tough and the pressure was so heavy. My last opponent surprisingly the girl who signed up with me. Yeah..... Manda.....sibuk je... HAHAHA!! Nah i'm just kidding. Manda and i just drew up random funny faces to challange creativity. I gave up the last minute just to give her chance nyehehe but i just drew up something to give a final blow and win before i left to go for a session with CJ haha. ![]() After looking at it a few times, i find it rather disturbing haha. Well yeah there were more drawings but shits i did'nt have the thoughts of doing it. It looks like Manda though garhahaha jk. Hmm i think with that drawing, i'm good enough to get into Lasalle. Don't you think so? hmm... hahaha fark it. @ 12:00 AM
Growing Homos, growing hormones. I see dead people... hehe i mean i see growing kids all around me. I still remember how they look when they were younger. Cute little RASCALS! heh. Now is when everything changes and thoughts are not as narrow as before. But i think some people are still narrow-minded. 'Narrow-minded people says: Whatever jerk~ *with the bitchy head movement.' haha. Well more and more people are growing old and for me it's like counting down to meet death. Oh yeah...well who am i anyway...everyone wants me to be dead ain't that right... 'Amsy kan siapa...'. Garha! Amelia, papa is very happy to see you growing up into a very pretty girl. Papa is also greatful to have you as a daughter. Papa wish you a very happy birthday and give you blessings for whatever you desire. Papa still remember the day papa and mama planned to have you. Ok ok AMSY!!!!! Seriously people are going to smack you goodbye. Oh gawd what was i thinking hahaha. Well i'm just kidding, that might be the things i say if i were to be her father haha. Ok random is joy...K WTF. I'm just glad that you existed in my era and being one of the bestie i can ever have. I mean there are others too, i'm just saying that you're one of them. One more thing i have to say is that, I still have the video i took on your previous birthday. I think you remember. Well that's how much i appreciate and cherish our friendship. Despite the space it took in my handphone, i still hold on to it to show you that i have a little something to show and maybe laugh about it in the future. I hope it would be one of the best gift you can ever have and again, im not rich to buy you fancy stuffs or what-so-ever, so there you go. A little something which might mean alot from your lad Amsy to you..... I could'nt upload it cause i don't have any cables to do so... So yeah shitty bangbang to that =(. Yeah sad, but i think i've already told Susi to upload it. It's probably being uploaded on her blog. Happy birthday bff. Have a happy and joyful life ahead. =) ![]() Monday, September 15, 2008 @ 3:23 PM
Brise If only i can brise as good as a ballet dancer, i would heh. Do it when you're happy or maybe if you happen to be performing on a stage, get a skate scooter and play on it while people are performing haha and also not forgetting to visual yourself up nyeh. This video shows how chaotic can a band be when they are born to be a motha fucking slackers and at the same time gifted. With great talent, comes great responsibility and that is to bring joy to others despite making a fool out of yourself. Well actually, you don't have to make a fool out of yourself to entertain homos haha, that would be totally unnecessary. Maybe in this case, it's what you call rockstars. Just don't go to far, only posers awaits for you in that route. Straight from the heart, Hahaha wtf, ok i'm just being a lame-ass-jerky-jerk here. Just enjoy the video haha and you might wanna pause the bg music on me profile =). Button is on the bottom right under 'BG MUSIC''. Wednesday, September 10, 2008 @ 10:48 PM
Holy-DEY!~ Oh hell yeah, exams are over and it feels so fuching awechum!*saying with full extent of cuteness*. Hehe i just had my last paper in the afternoon. Now i can rest every single part of my body from head to toe. Time to be a loonatic chimp now and enjoy every single second of time before school starts. Ok what should i do now, or later or maybe later after later or tmr and the day after and the day after it and the week after the week which is going to be next week which is a week before next month. -___-" There... you can see how idiotic-ly excited i am and oh-oh guess what?! Mefitty is not a virgin anymore woohoo!~ ..... .... ... .. . .*bloghopper threw a glass bottle at amsy's head* Haha ok that was just some random talk. I'm having my holy-dey~ now and yeah meaning, i am totally free for anything, everything, anytime, anywhere, whoever or whatever. I'm on, lads...i'm totally on. To Ame: I'm looking at the time and waiting for a ring on the phone. Heh i think you know what i mean. To CJ: Get a farking gig to ear fark the crowd. To God: I've been fasting since the first day of ramadhan, are you proud of me? hehe ok ok sorry sorry. To SM and Mefitty: I love you so much. To my homies.. you know who you are, make a plan guys. Maybe say... get an air ticket to amsterdam or something? nyeheh. Vegas anyone? Maybe someday haha. Black Nipps, i am so looking forward to another lame ass fiesta, hell yeah to that. Ramadhan, i'm counting down on you and to be frank i kinda like you, you make me feel healthier and lighter and thinner and fitter and... yeah i actually do. Thank you =). Sorry peeps. Amsy have been mumbling to himself. Just feeling happy that all the burden have slipped away from my shoulder and also not forgetting to congrat to my lad Saufi for passing his exams. Congrats doood, ice cream k? haha. So.... yeah, holiday it is and to ya'll, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!... to those who are having holidays of course, to those who are not...EAT DIRT NYAHAHARRR! Tuesday, September 9, 2008 @ 1:48 PM
Finally Tmr is going to be my last exam paper and hooray to that! Finally i can rest my head and thoughts for at least awhile after it. Yesterday i had my agm exam and i can say it's quite easy but still i'm just afraid of mistakes. Well it's done now and no point thinking about it. Just look up ahead of me and see what's coming next. Human factor tmr and still havent revised yet because i'm busy writting a post here haha. Ok ok i promise to study after i'm done with this entry okay?! haha. Well maybe i'll take a shower first because i havent done that yet too. I like the smell of myself after bed, the mild odour and the nuttiness scent at the same time sweet smelling haha yea whatever. Good luck to me for tmr and may god bless me with the most blessful blessing among all blessing, hmm -___-?. Tee hee hee. And finally AMANDA is 17 now and i bet she's like "OH FINALLY I'M SEXILY 17 ALREADY LA SEY!! *infront of the mirror talking to her reflection while dancing and drinking strawberry milk *"-___-" haha im kidding. You're a big girl now Manda and your thinking will be much more mature then before. So Amsy, you don't mess with the Manda now cause she is danger and danger is her. Ok wtf. Just 1 more lvl to 18 Manda so... chill and enjoy being a 17 year old kid. Live happy, drugs free, oh gee...i'm Dinie and i am hungry. And again wtf, i wanted to continune the rhyme but argh my head is so narrow due to the emptiness of my tummy hiahaihaihiahiak dush! ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! Thursday, September 4, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Mary and the lambs A.K.A The Black Nipps. Mary, a 17 year old girl who just turned 18 today had a birthday celebration with her bloody lambs. Despite her old age, she still watch "The magic school bus". 1 hell of a rockstar i should say. Being a rockstar is not about being POPULAR or what so ever shits. It's about how slacky you are and the slacky things you do everyday. So yeah. I'm not a rockstar..........yet haha ya right *rolls eye*, but yeah that's what i think rockstars are. Those geeks who plays DOTA, WAR CRAFT, MINICLIP.COM, OREO.COM, NAUGHTYAMERICA.COM(* whooppss wrong webbie haha) or what more games there are online, inline, sideline, lifeline and many more, those are the real rockstars you can ever find. So yeah, praise to the geekyness of those humble homos with nerdy thick specs. K whatever, just a tribute to geeks around the world nyeheh =))). Had alot of fun, giggling like a bubble tea shaking doll at pasar malam with pudding and pearls in it -___-???. Especially Yani, who laughs at everything like a horse being tickled at the balls hah. Breakfast by the romantic beach with the cool breeze from the sea (that explains Hazreel's emo moment nyahaha) and a chaotic laughing scene. Foods, drinks, chips like 1-1, 2-2 (inside joke) and Hot and Spicy potato chips were all around the grey rocky table and surrounded by sinful kids who really don't give a damn about ramadhan. HAH. Yet they still fast?, including me... well some of them nyahah. And ya my mum called me and gave me a lecture that lasted for about 5+ minutes on the phone. Man...for god sake i'm 19 and when she heard girls laughing on the phone, she's thinks im doing some dirty jobs haha c'mon i know how to take care of myself and i'm a good boy kay haha. I think she's afraid that i might end up being a pimp or maybe a professional pornstar by the beach which might be on the net soon, Amsybythebeachscene.com.sg, -___-". I ate alot of godly chips and i finished up almost half of the 1-1s in a packet. Yummy!. Ate a delicious chocolate cake that was being cut by the birthday girl herself, from what i noticed i think she learned to cut a cake from a butcher nyahaha , im just playing... Well at least i'm glad i got one of the biggest piece yeah haha. And the best part is we used the leftover cakes to play 'choco-cake-face-smashing-on-loco-kids-catching'. The most random game i have ever played in my entire life. Chasing people with chocolate cake in your hand and then smashing it to peeps face haha. Wani ran and tried to smash it on my face like a predator chasing a sexy,tall and fast gazalle haha. She's fast but not fast enough to catch me nyeheh. Woohoo satisfying time wasted by the beach. What else can we do other than being random when you're hanging out with the godly Black Nipps. All we ever did was to be sexy but classy nyahahahar wokay Amsy o-k. We're like the next pussy cat dolls only that the name is different, maybe... say...The Black Nipple Dolls? K enough Amsy. Well it sounds like a farken bunch of rockstars to me haha. Oh well the fun is what counts after all the heart warming, brain juicing jokes and more to say but i'm just to tired to think already and again i must say, an awesome and satifying day. Well technically night. Argh whatever, crap it, zip it and so lets go. Wednesday, September 3, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Mefitty I <3 YOU! ![]() Well i should be chatting with Manda now but too bad she's in M'sia now so yeah... Kinda miss her =(. As much as i'm happy, Mary should be happier knowing that her birthday is tmr and lads will be celebrating her birthday. Happy Birthday, bless you and enjoy your newage Mary. Ad will give you lots and lots of juicy presents UKWIM hurhurhur. Besides Mary, Manda and Ame's going to celebrate their birthday soon and of course many other kids on earth too heh.. Fark it ya'll really leave me with no choice but to get you only birthday cards. I ain't rich, bitch nyeheh, well i'll try to get ya'll a priceless present like no other hehe. I still remember i gave Ame my precious Classical Guitar which meant alot to me and has a hole at the back of it made by my lovely dad. -___-". Well she said she wanted to learn guitar, but instead she used it to collect dust hah. I'm not mad or disheartened, just... wanna knock her head. hiahia *Hiak dush to Ame*. Tuesday, September 2, 2008 @ 6:08 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 16) YEEEEEEEAAAOOW HOMOS! Firstly to all you muslims out there, have a happy empty stomache ramadhan. Yeah i know it's hard but hey, you guys have been complaining about how fat you look, about your weight problem and blablabla. So here's a chance for you to regain the honor of being slim and slender nyahaha ok i think you get what i mean. And this i must say, during ramadhan, kids and toilets are like the bestfriends of all the besfriends in the world. They are free to drink without their parents knowing. That is how they survive ramadhan haha yeah. Ok fine i use to do that before ok, i mean i was just a kid maan what do you expect. I was a smart kid and still am, haha so my parents should be proud of me for that. Huuhuu hahaha somehow i feel light and happy despite knowing my exams are just a few days away. Oh ya now i know why i'm happy, MEFITTY IS IN SINGPORE!!! Might be meeting her tmr. AaaahnyahahaaaaA... . Feel abit sad though. My SM just ran out of stock and now i have to go find her damn it. She must be jealous that's why she's nowhere to be found in my fridge. Sorry, but mefitty is just a...another love of mine =(. Ok Amsy stop. I just can't wait untill exams are over so i can start being a chaotic chimp again and not have thoughts that brings nightmares. Woot woot look at the time, gotta get ready the dining table and arrange everything in a seductive manner. HAH HA! Like manda said (hehehek sooo farrrrniii) haha, Ciao pablosss. Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 12:03 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 15) Hhaaaaargh..... Went out to check out baybeats for the past 2 days. Great performance by local bands and some foreign bands and i farking envy them. Damn it they'll get to sleep with a wide smile on their face. Most of the bands i watched put up an awesome set for the crowd *salutes*. Crowds enjoyed their performance and i see full blast charisma on the stage. Forget the heat, i LOVE the heavenly lightings on stage and almost gave me an orgasmic feeling haha k. That's how great the feeling was so yeah go figure haha. Saw alot of familiar faces all around and to those who i did'nt say hi to though you know i looked at you, sorry i am ultimately short sighted even with my glass on. So please next time when you see me say hi or maybe just pat me on my shoulder. If i still don't realise you, just shmack me on the head or a give me a farking legendary uppercut to the throat and make me cry and say hi to you k? Ok. I see DSLR everywhere. It's like a plague. Has the price of it gone waaaaay down? Or people nowadays are just pure loaded with cash in their wallet? Whatever, i'm just saying, no offence. Hate me if you want. I'll say sorry. Then you say naik lorry. -__-??? haaaaa ha. Today is farting festival since tmr is going to the first day of fasting month. Yes, and i am so fed up. My mum, my aunt, my little cousins, all of them! Where did they get all the loads of gases? Oh my god and i am the one being attacked by heart stopper gas and now...my nose is rotting. It's a goner by dawn and my lungs...polluted. Whatever it is, my weekend was great being around with lads and families. WA AI WA DE LADS AND FAMILY LEH. |