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Monday, October 27, 2008 @ 12:00 AM
Happy 20th Birthday Yani! Yes and yet another girl grown abit older. Yeah though i've only known you for a few months now but still you were dang friendly as a puppy. Making you laugh is like stealing rambutan from an ant. -___-? K whatever. haha. But seriously, it's like as though laughing gas is hanging on to your nose getting ready to get into your lungs when you're not laughing garhaha. I think you get what i mean. Your laughter can make people laugh and their laughter can make other people laugh and those other people's laughing can make me feel like i wanna smack my own face cause i'm repeating shits over and over again..... A really happy birthday to you grid girl(yeah right)*looks away like a dumb blonde bitch and curls hair with finger* and best of luck to your missions, targets and what more you are thinking of and don't be a centi,milli,metre or whatever length of that creepy crawly mother farken pede*inside joke* haha. And so here it goes, 1..........2.....3! ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRID-GIRL! Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 2:47 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 23) So tired..... yet so satisfying. Had an anniversary celebration dinner at Sakura 2 days back. Aaah man i stuffed myself till near death hehe. Had sushi, western, and more western and even more western and not forgetting tons of ice cream nyahaha. Those OT love birds, so cute.... haha. Not me or my parents, it's my dad's friend's anniversary heh. Well Amsy is a bloody loner, why would he want to celebrate anniversary? With Mefitty? garhaha if only she's a human girl. Haha oh and yeah... CJ has recorded a new song and have also been uploaded on www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack. So go and check it out and enjoy if you're so dang curious hehe =). Had fun recording like a cute little baby Amsy having mayonaise mixed with cocoa on a triple layered bread -___- ??? huhuhuu~. Well if you you people out there want to check us out live in the near future, there's still hope cause we're young and not dying any sooner heh heh heh. Stay tuned, stay away from drugs and stay loyal to CJ garghaha~ And after recording yesterday, Saufi, Dan, Hazreel and me went to Yani's bbq pit birthday party. Thank you grid girl for the foods and all nyehee, the foods were lip smacking delicious. Stayed the whole night by the beach like a bunch of walrus waiting for the grass to grow....ok wait why would walrus want to wait for the grass to grow??? hmm it's a mystery even i, Amsy The Legend cannot solve nyahaha ok zip it bitch. Thought of staying up to share shitty jokes around the whole night but was too tired to continue the journey called, staying awake garhaha. Well my alarm clock was an A380 AIRBUS, it flew above us and i was like omgaaaaawd..... that is so magical... a gigantornomous piece of metal with wings is actually flying...above me.... heheee. Haaaaah seriously i'm still feeling exhausted now but nyeh everything was worth it. I just got home around 11+ this morning and so here i am updating about shits i did. Not interested? Then don't read... Ok wait, if you've read this part of the sentence, means you've already read everything..... nyahaha too bad haaaaaa haaaaaa. O-kay wokeva. Tuesday, October 21, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 22) Oh hell yeah school was great today. I came during break time and the moment i step foot in school, i was like... where did all these girls came from*doing 'The Rock' eyebrow thingy*, is it christmas? Is it a gift from god? haha. Called my classmate to ask about what's going on in school, they told me there was an extreme sports thingy. Well i did'nt mind garha-ha. It's like a festival in school woohoo~. I did saw bunch of my friends back from secondary school. They've all grown up and i feel so happy for all me growing lads...papa is very happy for you child... nyahaha wtf. Of all things that i enjoyed, was laughing at a dumb-dumb being too anxious about performing and kept dancing to every music the soundman played haha. Kumar and i could'nt stop laughing like !!#$%$?^. I'm talking about 'all by himself' here, the rest of his friends were being cool about everything but only he got all itchy butt. Centipede down his pants maybe? haha. And also when there's too many girls around, the risk off detecting bitches is like 95 out of 100 so haa-haa to that. What's worst, is having a bitch dancing on stage... Ultimate Eewness~. Did'nt went home straight right after school, went to the airport and took me flight to japan for an interview and meet the fans there nyahaha kidding. Had me tummy filled with Popeye's with Hazreel, Superboy and Grid Girl there. It was finger lickin good, lip smacking delicious, tongue satisfaction and yummy in the tummy..... hehehek. I mean it's almost the same like KFC only that..........it's Popeye's garhaha what am i saying..... -___-? That was like my first meal for the day. I did'nt had breakfast nor did i had any lunch in school, was busy eye-candying heh heh... and Manda will say this: Amsy cheeky~..... haha. Well actually i did'nt feel hungry at all and the canteen was packed with homos...so.....yeah you know what i mean. Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 3:04 PM
Plug it in and so lets go. Awesome day yesterday, supportive crowd and had great moments and laughters on stage. Those who were there, they'll know what i mean heh. Thanks to all those lads who came down to support. Cheers and here's a video with the latest composition. And to those who missed CJ's previous gig, do come down to our next gig at Music Garage on the 15 November 2008. Contact us for more detail or just simply visit www.myspace.com/wearecrackerjack and drop us a msg or something. Thank you =) ![]() Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 9:41 PM
Peace please, pretty pretty please. The wind breeze blowing into my face... that's the kind of peace that i want to taste... Heart feeling so light... like looking at the sunshine through the window so bright... Not a single noise but only the bird's chirping... and no hurricanes for the butterflies to start dancing... Silently growing under a well-built roof... not allowing a single drop of rain through almost bullet proof... Having a bunch of lads running in my backyard... only smiles, laughters and no fights will ever start... Even if there were to be any... not making each other mad or any further angry but only saying sorry... Please oh please why can't there be any peace... for that's one simple thing i want in life to make me happy now oh god please... A simple prayer i can only say... for the ones i love to stay... I've lost some before and i'm not risking anymore... like a lame-ass emo kid i'll be dead flat on the floor... Life is too short to harvest hatred... for death's the one with the date and time of us listed. The only thing i can ever ask for is peace and that is all... relationship and friendship i just can't bare to watch them fall... I've been through too much and lord of pain made me suffer... suffering which only gives you a rather ginormous fucking temper... Getting ready safety gears not forgetting a helmet... but shiets only the heart is what that's going to hurt... Peace please, pretty pretty please... wipe the grease off my love ones and put their mind and soul at ease... Sunday, October 12, 2008 @ 3:11 PM
Hari Raya 2008 Aaaah yes and finally done with all the visiting of relatives here and there all around lion city. May all lads be forgiven and bad deeds be forgotten. And for that, sins are at least half gone haha. Had a hell of a time spending most of the time with my family. It's like a rare event for me to see everyone smile and laugh at random jokes. Oh well i have tons of pics to show, i'm just too lazy to post them all so i picked out of random. So these are my lovely lads enjoying raya with a wide smile on the face. Travelling long distance was a "no-problem" situation for us. My aunt has a van that can fit a baby elephant chopped into pieces. nyehehe. ![]() Girls will be girls with their, cam whore moment..... And kids will be kids with their, " i can't wait to count how much money did i get today".....hehe
xo♥xo♥ Tuesday, October 7, 2008 @ 1:43 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 21) Gargh, Amsy is so damn exhausted gnarly gnarly gnarly grr... I had to help my lil'cousin with her croc shoe design thought it would be fun to but nyeh i thought wrong. It's a design competition she signed up a month ago. Stayed up untill 6am yesterday and not realising that i've got plans early that day. Tried to get inspirations but all i could only think of was japanese art and graphic shits haha after watching Miami, London and L.A farking INK. Well i'm not a pro but i think i'm good enough to impress a.......... 10 year old kid nyehehe. Just imagined myself in the art room back in secondary school haha but only that there are no nagging from teachers or distractions. Only the black and silver permanent marker, the fan, the table, papers, left side of a purple croc shoe, me, my brain, my hand, my eyes...kay you get the point -___-". Too bad i did'nt think of taking pictures before i start drawing on the shoe. Well if you think i'm being a cheap ass who's a pathetic liar and trying to act as if i'm good at art so be it. I did'nt say my design was great or excellent or mighty or godly or whatever the !?~#$%& nyehehe. So basically everything was plain purple. The idea is to just have fun designing on it. Based on what i experienced, there was no fun at all but only the feeling of uninspired satisfaction in the end hehe. To think of it, i could have just drew an apple and head to bed early but no~, Amsy wanted everything to look nice and artistc garhaha -___-". Well i have this mindset, if you want to do something, do it properly and give it your all, so in the end you don't feel like you're living on earth with such a lorry full of junky reasons or feel wasted or... you just simply can't do anything right or close to awesomeness. Which makes you a farking LOSER~. Hahaha i don't know what i am talking about but i feel like it all makes sense. Oh well hehe. After the brainstorming or should i say brain jucing to think of what, why, when, who, how and more, this is the outcome that i got in the end. Yeah i'm satisfied with how it turned out to look like. Just glad it did'nt turn out retarded like..... some retarded thingy tee hee hee~ =). Oh and yarh i had only 5-6 hours of sleep only =( ..... Then i went out with me CJ lads. Speaking of competition and CJ, we signed up for the asian beat competition and the audition is on the 22nd November 2008, it'll be held at Tampines Mall, 1pm. There's an open area at the last floor with a pathetic "bushman-made of wood" stage(i think haha), you should know where it is cause that's where Bruce Lee died..... ok ok that was random gargh. So yeah do come and watch us loonatics at the audition and support us by feeding us ripple and chocolate chips ice cream..... -___-??? haha. Be there and i'll pay for us to watch a movie after it. Ok no, im kidding hehe. Hehehe=). Lastly, CJ's gig on the 18th October 2008 at the Arts House Playden. Come on lads, tickets are selling "fast", grab them while you can gagagaga~. Wokay i am starting to feel alittle bit drowzy now and i shall go to bed right away. Cheers pablos! Night... and out. Sunday, October 5, 2008 @ 3:17 AM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 20) Aaah yesssss..... It's a little late to be blogging but wtf. Well i've been out to visit all my relatives for the past few days. Been sucking in colourful drinks and i feel alittle unhealthy. Just thinking about it makes me feel like going to the toilet and force vomit... i'll be slim, slender and as sexy as those Pussy Cat dumb-dumbs by the end of october i guess haha. It's been great, it's been fun and also quite boring to be sitting... looking at the adults talking about things which i don't really care. And ya, everytime a person look at me they would say "Oh my, look at you all grown up". Like duh~ you expect me to shrink and turn into flubber or something? haha. And usually people don't give money or should i say "money-in-a-packet" to kids who are not schooling and working. So yeah i know i'm big and looks like as though i'm a working lad, but come on if you don't want to give me your stinking money it's fine, there's no need for the act of asking where am i studying at or what-so-ever crappy shits. I know you don't really care about where i'm standing but only your money -___-" sickening homos. Oh whatever it is, at least i get to gobble up the sweets, candies,cakes, snacks or whatever you that has been served nyahaha. Maybe most of you would be wondering what i had on the last day of ramadhan. Well actually i don't think anyone cares but anyways. Drool to the almighty mega-chicken-rice-zord -___-?. ![]() ![]() Now drool bitch nyahaha. hehe=) *Sigh* Oh well my eyelids are gaining weight which means i have to go to.....? Bed. And yarh i'll upload pictures of my 'Hari Raya Outing" or whatever people call it when i'm done doing it. Haha cheers lad and good morning. Zzzzzz ps: Seriously drool bitch DROOL~! hahaha just playing...juuust playing.*Guns both hands* |