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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 7:25 PM
Oh... Oh... yesterday i was left aside, today i'm being called stupid and to be as similar as a fucking jerk. Oh... i so did'nt ask for any of this multiplying bad memories by days, months or almost a year now to happen, but the chapters read by god that's happening now was only done by you... your highness/pretty -pretty decent princess fuck. Oh... why can't you let your "mean and misleading" ex-boy live a life of his own at that deep dark abyss you threw him into and not bringing him up to the land full of plastic faces, bullshit lovey-dovey-pity-pity fucking sympathy. Oh... are you living such a sad life that it's soo "interesting" you have to share with your ex-boy?. Oh... when i was nice you never appretiate it and now that i'm mean, you still can't accept it. Oh when are you going to learn to stop and think about love, lies, life and loyalty? Oh... i guess only god knows. Oh...god, take care of her and bring her happines would you? and brighten up her path for she can see and choose the right route to walk on and have a clear view of what she really wants and going to get. Oh... i pray to you. Oh... if it is to be left unanswered, Mitch from Suicide Silence shall sing you a song. God bless you. Don't call me stupid cause i ain't it, well if you still want me to accept that i'm stupid... well at least i can think of what i want and dont go around hoping for girls to like me and desperately seek for attention all around and when one clicks eye, i'll exchange numbers and talk everyday and night and blog about how i miss this one girl... the warmth and care she gives to me blablablaBLA. Or maybe after knowing for 3 months or LESS, me and the sweet, cute and super-duper hot girl can go to the beach while my father is dying at home or in the hospital and cuddle with the girl instead of being beside my DYING father crying and hoping for things to get better and pray that DADDY won't have to die and leave me. If i were to be a girl, i would at least think that i'm being an ass bitch not only towards me ex-boy but towards my dad or worst my family. Clear enough for you, lord of decenity? If it's hard to understand my english cause i'm STUPID, i'm good at translating to dumb, goo goo gaga!? Why am i being mean now? Oh...i'm sure you know why. Why can't you just forget me? Memories of me still lingering around your head? Is that my problem? Forget about planting seeds together, i would at least find a better gardener than you are...Just so you know, you're not the only girl on earth that i can talk to or maybe be with. The only reason i did asked for forgiveness before and forgive you is because i thought that maybe you've changed into a better person and was hoping for another chance to write in a thick book filling it up with new stories of a new beginning. My fears of losing a girl like you is gone. I see nothing in you anymore. So at least i'm glad to know that i've got no problems in forgetting you anymore. I'm fucking happy with my fellow lads and ladies who are always there for me. At least they respect me. At least they know how to appretiate me and knows how to take care of my feelings. I don't need a girl to make me happy. I don't need to ask for a girl's number to make myself feel good. I don't need to change my personality to fit in with any of my friends. Never meant to call you an easy girl or a bitch but seriously for once think of what i said and look at what you're becoming. I'm not sorry for being a jerk ass mean monster this time round. Seriously i don't care of what you're going to do, just don't drag me into your world. A world full of unknown paths. I have my own path and things are going as smooth as an angel's silk bed sheet. Feels like heaven...booyargh. Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 7:16 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 25) Dang it we did'nt make it to the finals gargh! Well like i said, it's a dang tough competition. Salutes to those bands that made it to the finals and good luck to the future winner battling with other bands all around asia in hong kong =). Kinda disappointed though but there's always next time and anyways, CJ is looking forward to another project nyahaha so stay tuned if you're curious about it nyehehe =D. Currently having tons of school projects yet to be done and already struggling on one like a drowning sea turtle... ok wait can a sea turtle ever drown or can it not?? hmm maybe i guess. NYAH! hehe oh yeah you people know how it feels when you want to rest but there are things to be done. Tell me about it, feels like losing a pet ant and you just can't find it cause it's too small and hard to see. In the end you found it splat dead under your feet...ok seriously there's no link and makes no sense at all. If a whale could possibly walk on land , it would have probably be at my door step now waiting for me, ready to give me a 1 gigaton tail whip with flaming spikes all around its tail and making sure i'll turn into a PSP.....the slim one..........with lots of games in it and movies not forgetting songs that i love too. -___-??? Gargh i wanna modify my PSP. I want to be a PSP pirate and get all games at $0. Free of charge and not go to jail or get fined for it. Would'nt want that to happen would'nt i? hee hee hee~ Aaargh i'm tired! Project fraking sarks!..... but i'm gonna do it anyway. PROJECT TIME. Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 11:49 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 24) Argh shoots...no pictures from Asian Beats audition early today but hey we had fun on stage with an awesome set, but only that the soundman was'nt much of a pro on handling his job. Gargh to hell with it. Yeah CJ had a great experience auditioning with many other great bands from the local scene. Very tough competition i must say. Lots of awesomely tight bands and we're really hoping to at least get into the finals. Well fingers crossed... Lets tighten up the screws... making sure it aint loose... oh please don't make any sound of a goose... cause we really dont wanna lose..........oqay whatever. Well i'm just really tired right now and not quite in the mood for tears or laughters. Amsy is in a blank and pure mood... Oh and yeah i love you... Yes you know who you are... You're all that i think of when i'm at peace on bed at night with the surrounding so dark yet creepy but with the soothing sound of the moving fan...it makes me... aaah i just cant find the perfect word for it... Yup, i love you pillow... and so i shall hug you right after i shut down this computer and get to bed... ok stop it hehe good night pablos. Cheers. Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 10:22 PM
I'm alright...i'm ok. Yeah don't worry. I'm done, i'm done, i'm done with nonsense all around me. Too lazy to handle problems that will only continue to exist in this fucking life despite hoping for it to end. Oh what have i done to deserve such silly tale. The bonding that fades so quickly nowadays. The words of unwritten diary at heart. Lies, fucking bullshit trust fuck fuck fuck! Putting up mask before meeting up with one another. Hatred kept in pocket. Broken promises by some and temporary love to cover up loneliness. Misunderstanding situations which leads to an endless rain of astroids. Whatever you say, it just wont stop coming...never ever. Oh sometimes i just wish i'm those badass demonoid homos who wont give a damn fuck about life. Who wont even care about no fucking one!. Why would i have to care?? In the end all i get is nothing but only apologies and more of it and yet another and another... heart breaking chapter of a story. Oh yeah it's part of life yeah sure. Might as well name it hell instead of life. Oh well... be a fucking ass to assholes from now on. In the end you know what you gonna get. But what if they happen to change into a better person? oh trust me they're just saying it. They don't really think of your feelings but only what they feel. Are those what you call friends or maybe your love ones? Oh fuck hell no. They only cover up their back and let you perish in the meteor shower. Perish...PERISH! DIE! DIE! @ 12:30 AM
Crushing diamonds like tin can. Tired, frustration, imune, braindrill.... I just can't go on with life like this. Hoping for a better tomorrow, but ending up getting it worst. Praying for peace and harmony, ending up getting a new age war of sillyness. Bundle of joys and laughters just went poof for a bucket full of reality ignorance. Lack of sense and brutal efforts for happiness. Lost at mind equally the same as being lost souls. Fading love for one another. Fading colour for a beautiful picture. What bullshit is taking up in life. What greatness there is left for a homo to live with. Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 12:09 AM
Abandoned Field Shivers down my spine. Neither a ghost nor a demon fear at mind. But only the remains of love which i used to harvest. After for so long i stopped pampering the soil for a living joy, the rain kept on coming which makes no change even though i've stopped watering it. Dreamt of the past. Kept asking myself why. Maybe it's telling me something? Maybe it's just another dream. But why not Catherine or Avril? -___-" Oh yeah, because we don't even know each other at all. Oh well. The mistakes happened then...from what i think it's something to learn from, but something's telling me not to turn back, but those dreams... *sigh* i'm blued. A friend told me that maybe it's just a naive tale. Chance... I longed with that word for almost 7 months but things only appeared damn sour for me. God help me...what will i gain if i fill that empty slot...in that hollow heart... and an empty mind. Will the soil pampered by my very ownself be neglected again? Or will the grass grow greener than ever before? The soil is cold. If i were to plant seeds, ...would you help me and look at it grow...? ...or are you going to let me watch it grow alone...? Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 2:16 PM
Antibiotic against Bacteria and Virus (Scene in my body) 2 ON 1, WHO IS GOING TO WIN? STAY TUNED AND WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK AFTER THE BREAK. *After the break*... OUCH!, a backflip kick was given by Virus to Antibiotic right in the face and dropped on to the canvas. Bacteria went to the top of the rope and... OH! MY ****ING GOD, Bacteria gave Antibiotic and BIG MEGA-ULTIMATE SLAM and i don't think Antibiotic can continue after that wonder slam by Bacteria. Antibiotic is running out of juice and from the looks of it, i think we're going to see a knock-out today and the crowds are cheering for Antibiotic and giving it an extra boost of help like how "Captain Planet" was being summoned by his fellow lads with those mighty magical rings, Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Heart...GOoooooOO ANTIBIOTIC!. With all the powers combined, Antibiotic got up from that canvas floor and gave Virus a Japanese Dragon Kungfu style YOGA FLAME with a maximum blast of SOLAR BEAM and a VINE WHIP stranggle to the neck tossing Virus up, down and all around. Bacteria got all frighten after looking at such divine power which can really inflict a brutal and deadly blow..... may cause a tragic death. Bacteria flee like a coward jerk with no balls. And so did the readers of Amsy's blog due to the fact that he's been talking bullshit since the day he started blogging untill now -___-". Aaaah yes haha. I'm, sick alright. Havent been to school for 3 days straight now and i feel like a bloody high ranked slacker. Oh gosh what am i becoming hehe. Nose is blocked, throat is itching and my head gained tons of pounds. Not forgetting the body aches and tasteless buds. Ok maybe i can taste just abit hehe. Lola and Superboy are also sick, well who's to be blame? we all fell sick at the same time, date and year. Ok hush it Amsy you're sick so act sick would you? Amsy said: K..... My left elbow is hurting...previously it was the right during the day CJ performed for Tapestry. Guess i'll be wearing an elbow guard again. I think i 'm being voodoo-ed by some witchdoctor or maybe...just maybe... Avril, because she got to know that now i'm in contact with Catherine Z Jones...hmm HARGH HAHA shiets. When things are going smooth and my life is turning from sour to sweet, bitter will always hitch along. Dang it. Sunday, November 2, 2008 @ 11:11 PM
Bloated Oh gawd i've been consuming too much nutrients, fibres and proteins...not growing fat though but gosh i just feel happily unhealthy garhaha. Filled my tummy with tons of goodies last weekend and this weekend..... i mean, it's lika a weekend routine for me. To satisfy belly-luna(my tummy) -___-" haha haa~. Oh wtf, as long as i'm happy and feels like i'm glowing like the light from heaven, i guess there's no wrong to anything i do or did now. Anyways..... went to this korean restaurant with my family yesterday and gosh i ate alot of meat. Imagine the number of cows, lambs and chickens not forgetting fishes have been slaughtered, killed and what other ways there is to put a smile on my face and to stop the growling in me tummy and for the existance of mankind. So homos, be ready to have a little taste of hell nyehehe wokay just ignore my ultimate lameness. I'm just high after having sushi and Sakae this afternoon with Superboy, Lola and 'I feel naked without my cap' boy hehe heeeee~.
![]() HAHA. HAHA. Okay..... there are many more photos but yeah, as usual i only picked only some. Yeah i'm too lazy which is why i'm lazy and lazyness keeps a girl away and so i'm saying, who FUCKING CARES!? nyeheheh. Chill i'm just being wtf-ly wtf...err oooookay. And after that, we headed to Nabins to throw Napkins in a Bin..... Gargh ok seriously i'm so tired and i can fall asleep having my head landed on my keyboard right now. Oh well just a few more typings and pictures and i'm done. Yeah, went for sheesha and slacked with a basket of fries and 2 bowl of mushroom soups. When slackers slacks, they can be very loud and sometimes very quiet when brains are empty but only full of dreams and desires. Ok shits i think i can never suck on'em sheesha again cause you see, the smokes are taking over my brain cells and see what happens when you put Sheeha and Amsyar together. ![]() This is the amount of kodak brutality that Amsy give's when he's high on something. Well it can be much worst than that. Lets pray it won't happen shall we. Amen. -___-?!?!? Aaah yes did i mention Chris Brown was there too? Dang it Lola got a chance to take a bloody picture with him. Whatever to you Lola~ ![]() ![]() HAHAHA!~ Yeah i know, it's more like Hash-Brown..... Shiets haha i'm just playing lads, just playing heh. But whatever it is...i'm just saying ok, girls out there...you'll have your chance. Nyahaha ok come slap me on my forehead and knock me out grr~. ![]() ![]() Super father, Over grown baby boy, Gay-pimp-transdaughter(CONFUSE), Mrs father aka hot momma. HAPPY FAMILY. Buy them cards, in stores now. Grab them hurry!. Aaaaaaaaaaargh i am so talking crap from the start till the end. Yeah... sure... yeah... come and BEAT ME UP CAUSE I'M JUICED UP, or maybe feed me with tons of egg tarts with apple sauce till i choke and die to the awesomeness of it. Tee hee hee~. Good night computer, homos, darlings all around the world, Catherine-Zeta Jones(Sorry Avril *giving a cute symphatetic face like Puss in boots in the movie Shrek and the beanstock -___-???...yeah Shrek*) and goodnight EARTH. |