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Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @ 2:53 PM
Happy Birthday Nadiah! Arrrrr me matey! heh i just got back from a 2 days chalet and 3 cheers to it. Had great fun celebrating my cousin's birthday. Dang it how i wish it was my birthday party hehee. Oh well, maybe someday... 15 January 2009? nyahaha maybe just a BBQ pit by the beach XD. Oh yeah, i took lots of pictures, credits to my Alpha 200, manage to capture awesome pictures. But i'm just gonna upload some heh...amsy piratey is such a damn lazy ass motha fucka. I snapped these pics just as soon as i got there... Thursday, December 25, 2008 @ 2:51 PM
Happy christmas and a merry new year~! Arrr... what's up me lads and ladies!? I waited for Santa till 3am in the morning but instead, a Mcdonald delivery rider came. Satisfied me tummy instead of getting pressies. Oh well i already had an early christmas this year nyahah. Had Mega Mcspicy around 11pm last night and Mega BigMc 2am this morning, with extra side snack of 20 piece nuggets and sucking'em curry sauce till the last drop. Oh what fun it is to have a full belly of Mcdonald's heeheeeee. Gaaargh... a bloody MEGA CHRISTMAS for me and me lad Saufi and Dan not forgetting me sister who got bored and decided to hangout with Amsy and his pirate lads till late. Fabulous, just fabulous. But dang it no pictures for you lads to eye fark on, but hey look on the bright side, it's christmas and it's not snowing! Ok seriously there's no link or point. What the hell, HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A MERRY NEW YEAR! Hugs, kisses and drinks all around yeppa! Monday, December 15, 2008 @ 10:24 PM
Inspired Gaargh just watch and enjoy the video, or not, i only posted it for my own ref. nyeh heh. =) Sunday, December 14, 2008 @ 11:42 AM
Thank Santa?...thank God? Heeeeell yeaaaaah it's raining pressie~ Mum bought me a brand new amp and a brand new guitar cable, and haha my luck was on its highest range yesterday, i got that damn stringer that i wanted. XD Geeeee i wonder... did Santa purposely put it there for me cause i've been such a really-really good behaving decent boy *halo glows above head* or God is trying to show how being fated towards something can be wonderful...but can also be harsh and ugly sometimes..... For Saufi's case, he's probably thanking ants, rocks, the ocean, mice, cockroaches etc not forgetting God due the rising level of happiness. Take good care of your girl dude, surely i am jealous but hey, I've got my chances, heh. Well at least i know i'm happy with what i have now. I'm happy for you boy. Well since i hooked the both of you up, you know you owe me a little something something *wink* =D. ...i'm just kidding haha, it's a job offer i got last friday. Had to pack tons of tapes into boxes like how it's shown in the picture and not only that, tapes have to be organized according to their genre, series and labels... wtf-else there is to be done that has anything to do with organizing and arranging, all that has to be done.. Like f*** it is, it was tiring and fun and the same time. It was only fun because Ad and Hazreel himself was there too. Picture me working alone in a room full of bloody tapes and boxes surrounding me...god oh god would'nt it be great -___-".....creepy and snoozy...you'll end up seeing me inside a box breathless with a tape shoved into my mouth. Thats' only 5 out of 1000 tapes that are visible from the very view of the picture taken. Not exactly 1000, i'm just having and overview of the freaky number of tapes on my mind. Ignore the good looking kid there, he's just doing his thang~ being funky-chunky cute and sexaay... XD hahaaaargh ok shuuush. Thanks to his aunt for the job offer and thanks to Hazreel for the consideration of mua. Oh what the heck, THANK YOU, THE UNIVERSE! Friday, December 12, 2008 @ 9:39 PM
Yeah? yeah? who asked? well i'm TELLING! (part 26) I survived my chest pain! I'm still alive! Thank god! Giving me a chance to live longer.... I know why... god wants me to buy myself a guitar tmr nyahaha, SALE SALE SAAAAALE~!!! 50% SALE!#$%^-^..... But damn it if i'm lucky, the one i really want will still be there shining bright like the lights from heaven waiting for me, and when i touch it i'll have a glimpes of heaven with a halo on my head heh. I just have this bad feeling that it won't be there cause you know how kiasu Singaporeans are. Though they don't really need it, they'll still buy for the sake of saticfaction that others won't get what they want. Oh well... cross my fingers. Like a motha f***ing rockstar, i've been endorsed by Fadhil, Fuzzy and a friend of Superboy before and was able to perform all the past gigs. Thank you people, thank you so much i appreciate it damn lots, high 5 =). And tmr, i'm one step closer to being a pro. I'm ready to go pro haha yeaaa~*inside joke* To Hazreel and Saufi, there's another reason to why god gave me the chance to continue life..... 'to smile wide while i'm asleep... much more longer' nyeh heh heh heeeee..... you know...i know...we know..... But hey, no hopes, no goals no nothing... just a breeze of fresh air for me to breathe in to clear my lungs from the pollution of the past. UKWIM. Amsy is feeling glorious and 1/4 sexy, bless my lads and ladys, Amen. Thursday, December 4, 2008 @ 2:55 PM
Am i dying? am i?! I thought i was going to die last night when i went to bed. Been having chest pain for 2 days now and last night, i had my worst. I could'nt sleep, i could'nt breathe properly... It's as if my lungs were being crushed from both front and back of my body by a titanium thrash crusher or whatever they call it. When i cough...it hurts, when i sneeze it fucking hurts..., and i can barely breathe especially breathing in. Am i dying? am i?! I could'nt even force myself off bed this morning to get to school. I had LP filming project to do today and i failed to come and get it done. Not to mention a test paper oh god!#$%... Oh well i guess i'll just, rest for today. I just think maybe i'm handling too much stress. I just don't know what's wrong me, is my heart failing? or my lungs are being polluted for being a passive smoker? or maybe it's happening because of the childhood accident when i hit and hurt my chest ribs dang hard that i could'nt breathe for quite a moment. Oh well i just read this over the internet and it just got me worried... -Passive smoking, also known as secondhand smoking is responsible for heart diseases, cancer and even death in people hence you should try to avoid passive smoking by... Passive smoking means the smoke in the ambience exhaled from the lungs of the smoker or the smoke that comes from a person’s burning end of cigarette. I'm not blaming my lads for smoking around me, but how i wish they could stop smoking. I don't hate them, i love them all. It's just that... how i wish they could control their smoking habits. Or it's bye bye to me sooner than them. |